Cittaslow Cities: Redefining Urban Life Through Local Values and Design
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cittaslow, slow city, sustainability, design, slow foodAbstract
In today's fast-paced world, the complexity and fast pace of life wears many people out. At this point, Cittaslow; namely, calm city dwellers, becomes a haven for those seeking peace. Slow cities attract attention not only with their harmony with nature, but also with their local culture, production and cuisine. In these unique cities, every moment is an experience, every corner offers a story. Slow cities develop important projects for the protection of nature. These projects are not limited to only environmentally friendly practices, but also encourage sustainable lifestyles. Effective use of local growth, waste management and energy saving are part of the parts that these cities are stored. While these cities benefit from the advantage of living in touch with nature, they also become a part of environmental awareness.
This article study continues to examine the role of comprehensive design in preserving and developing the original features of Cittaslow cities by taking a broad perspective within the scope of Cittaslow. Slow city, as a movement to develop a wide geography, prioritizes local, environmentally friendly practices and social solidarity. In this context, it will be evaluated how flexible and effective a tool design can be in emphasizing the systems and sustainability of Cittaslow cities. The article will focus on how design modules can support the unique characteristics of these cities and how they can encourage the participation of local communities; In addition, the potential of cities to provide sustainable contributions by integrating design in line with Slow City principles will be investigated. Meanwhile, the contributions of design to the clarification of Cittaslow and the permanence of these values in social memory will be discussed in detail.
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