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Art is an integral part of individual development. The necessity of art education has been addressed in many

ways from the past to the present. At every stage of education, students have the opportunity to acquire, through art, cognitive, sensory and psychomotor skills as well as the ability to express themselves, to think creatively and to communicate these creative thoughts in a tangible way. The influence of the visual arts course on the formation and development of these skills in students is undeniably important. Visual arts education aims to develop creative thinking, problem-solving, the ability to express feelings and thoughts, practical thinking, and aesthetics rather than talent and skill. Students who are talented according to their age are qualified to contribute to the development of the community. In most cases, we can consider the notions of talent and skill as a key concept in the field of visual arts, as we can view unchecked and neglected talented students as a loss. To this end, the study aims to examine the concept of talent and skill in visual arts education, using the views of students studying in the section of fine arts education. The case study was designed in the quality research approach. The research will be carried out on a voluntary basis with 10 students studying at the Department of Fine Arts Education at the University of Trabzon. The study used a semi-constructed conversation technique as a data collection tool. The resulting interviews were recorded with the audio recorder and then transmitted into written text. The data was analyzed using the content analysis method and presented in tables, divided into themes and categories.

Keywords: Art, Art Education, Visual Arts, Talent, Skill


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How to Cite

uzun gedikli, tuğba, & AYAYDIN, A. (2024). GÖRSEL SANATLAR EĞİTİMİNDE YETENEK ve BECERİ KAVRAMI. International Journal of Art, Fashion, Music and Design, 3(3), 74–93. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14497391